Taking place at Waikiki’s premier theater, Magic of Polynesia dazzles with light, sound and action from start to finish. Starring internationally acclaimed master illusionist John Hirokawa, the “Mozart of Magic,” this show features humor and...
Witness expert hula, chanting and song by one of Hawaii’s most talented performing troupes. Sit mesmerized as they illustrate the history and lore of the Islands. Absorb this unique Polynesian experience conveyed with the magic of internationally acclaimed...
Experience the Magic of Polynesia, Hawaii’s “must see” stage spectacular – a show that’s mystical, romantic, majestic and exotic all at the same time. Witness expert hula, chanting and song by one of Hawaii’s most talented...
Witness expert hula, chanting and song by one of Hawaii's most talented performing troupes. Sit mesmerized as they illustrate the history and lore of the Islands. Absorb this unique Polynesian experience conveyed with the magic of internationally acclaimed illusionist...
The Magic of Polynesia Show Only package is the ideal choice if you already have other dinner plans and would just like to see this exciting magic show. With over an hour of fun, suspense and grand illusions, we’ll take your night from great to awesome. Taking...