Health & Safety
We are excited to announce that we will be resuming our operations at The Umauma Experience as part of the statewide re-opening of outdoor activities in Hawai‘i. As of June 22, we are offering our Deluxe ATV tours. Zipline tours will be offered at a later date. Stay tuned! To ensure the health and safety of our guests, staff, and the local community, we have implemented new COVID-19 safety protocols. Please see these new policies below that are required of guests who visit The Umauma Experience:
Face Coverings
All guests are required to wear a face covering (face mask, bandana, face gaiter, etc.) during check-in and when social distancing is not possible. Children under 5 years old are not required to wear a mask. We highly recommend guests bring their own face covering as we may not have enough supplies to accommodate all guests.
Social Distancing
While we have been incorporating social distancing in our operation, we also ask that guests work to maintain social distance (6 ft or more) from other guests on the property when possible.
Required Health Screening
Upon check-in at our Visitor Center, all guests are required to undergo a simple health screen before being allowed on the property. Any guest experiencing symptoms will not be allowed to remain on property or participate on our tours. Either a refund will be issued, or the reserved tour will be rescheduled for a later date.
Travel Quarantine Requirements
We are currently welcoming kama’aina, military, and those who have finished their mandatory travel quarantines. All guests who are visiting, as well as Hawaii Residents that have traveled outside of the state, will need to show verification that they have completed the mandatory 14-day quarantine. A plane ticket, hotel stub, and/or car rental agreements can be used to verify this.
Our Visitor Center is open! Our hours are from 8 am to 4 pm, Monday through Friday. These hours are subject to change as part of our re-opening strategy.
We look forward to re-uniting with our partners, guests, friends, and family as we begin re-opening our property. We look forward to seeing everyone soon.
Mahalo, The Umauma Experience Staff & Management

ATV Long Tour
- To drive the Single Driver ATVs, you must be 18 years old or 16 years old and have parental permission with parent/guardian on the tour. To drive the Side by Side ATVs, you must be 18 years old.
- All drivers must have and show a valid Driver’s License. A Driver’s Permit is not a valid Driver’s License.
- Anyone under 16 years old, or anyone without a valid Driver’s License, will be restricted to a passenger seat on a Side by Side ATV.
- Minimum age for a passenger is 4 years old (4 – 17 must have parent/guardian on tour.)
- Weight limits: For drivers (front seat): 350 lbs. – For Passengers (back seat): 250 lbs.
- You may not participate if you have a history of neck or back issues.
- You may not participate if you are pregnant.
- You must wear closed toe shoes.
- We do not allow pets to accompany you on the ATV ride.