Kailani was on a mission to find the perfect way for people who had never been to Hawaii’s Kona valley before or even wanted an adventure. She created her company so that others could experience what makes this unique place special. The forests are rich with rainforests and cloud cover, which gives it its kind of beauty but also means there’s always something new waiting around every corner – whether you’re looking out into nature from up high at treetop level (which is accessible by rope) or exploring old-growth coffee plantations using bamboo c Axes as your hiking stick.

Kailani Tours is a one-of-a-kind adventure that will take you on the extraordinary journey to explore Kona Cloud Forest. The tour provides an exclusive look into this tropical paradise where lush greenery meets high elevation rainforests between two UNESCO World Heritage sites – bone-chilling Waipio Valley and sulfur springs GolfCourse amidst abundant wildlife.